On my previous entree,
In another 2 weeks time, I ll be leaving to Singapore and try to breakaway from my work. We decide not to bring E-am as its more like a bussiness affair for me and pojee. I know I will miss him soo much but I dont want to drag him to the expo and make myself and pojee go mad pleasing him.
I m so glad to we decide to bring this little creature along with us in Singapore. I HAD A BLAST with e-am there. It was a split decision actually...hehehe.last minute decision with a condition if Tok Ma(my mama) coming, then E-am is coming too! After few days of thinking(tok ma pon suspen nak travel ngan e am), finally tok ma said YES! heheheh thanks mama...we are making memories with e am this time.
E am toksah cakap la kan, excited yang tak terkata. We even prepared ourselves mentally and physically for this trip. Besides our personal stuff, I packed along some of his fav toys and also a portable DVD player with his fav DVD (my son is easily bored ok, so need to have lots of backup plan)
We also decide not to stay in Singapore hotels as the rate is like double/triple for the original fair due to the broadcast asia week. I would rather spend those money in shopping rather than sleeping in 3star hotel for RM500 per day. So we spend 3 nites in Bluewave Hotel in Johor with RM370/nite for family suite. Excellent!
I would like to share some happy/funny/unforgetable moments during this trip:
• the first time e am enter the hotel, he gone mad! He is running round and round the suite. Masuk bilik kluar bilik, masuk toilet klua toilet, bukak almari, masuk almari. Peti ais pon dia bukak. tgk cermin cakap sorang2. pastu when he went to the living room with a 'WOW' expression...adehlaaa budak nih. Bukak tingkap he said 'CC!' (KLCC) padahal nampak bandar johor jek...hahhaha
• In singapore, there's a lot of car similar to manggis mobil. Everytime he saw that kind of car, he'll say 'GANGGISH!'...
• In Vivocity, there's a lot of water feature around the mall. He said 'Mummy, mummy.. swim, swim!'. Adeilaaa...aku macam marathon kejar dia nak terjun dlm water sculpture/fountain.
• On his first time ride on MRT, he were so excited he's finally on a train. Mula-mula naik, he closed his ears sebab bunyi kuat sangat and yang paling horor skali when we need to change the train, he is crying like mad.nangis macam dah kena tinggal train..satu station tengok...grrrr...saba je lah!
-I think this incident is the most unforgettable.
Imagine this:
On our way back from Singapore, we stop by at the 7eleven to buy some drinks.Elok je Pojee turun keter, my 'anak bertuah ni' terus je melompat ke driver seat.Tengah elok-elok dia berangan-angan bawak keter, bapak dia datang lalu terkejut lah anak bertuahku ini. Terus dia melompat menyelamatkan diri daripada kena marah ngan abah dia. Dalam dok dia melompat tu, kaki cik e am ni macam terlanggar kat gear keter, I tot tade apa lah kan...sikit je.Bila Pojee nak masuk gear je, tak bleh masuk..apa lagiiiii(as we all know pojee) mengamok lah dia! Antara ayat2 yang aku ingat Pojee marah anak bertuah dia nih is' Apa dah e am buat kat kete abah nih?habis takleh masuk gear!rosak dah kete nih!cable tercabut nih!' Sambil terpinga-pinga cik e am nengok abah dia ngamok dia ckp 'mummy..mummy,roshakk(rosak) aaa.babutttt(cabut)....pastu Pojee sebok dok telepon orang nak tanya camne nak setel, panic dengan telepon ke sana ke mari...datang je abah dia masuk kete, cik e am cakap ' Abah..... lagu?' Ada hati lagi tuuu mintak laguuu setelah abah dia ngamok...aku n mama ketawa sampai kuar air mata masa tu .....i can even laugh until now thinking of that
I'm so glad that I'm making all this wonderful memories with my dear son. I enjoy every minute of our time together.Children they are tend to be annoying and distracting at times but we need to enjoy this moment while we can.In another 20 years he probably wont even need you this much.
My new self discover : I discover this making memories can be done anywhere, anytime. You just need to realise and embrace the moment !