Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Everything happen for a reason

After mama's 4th day of her chemo, life have been challenging for everyone of us especially mama.Most of the time she's tired and fall asleep for few hours(this is very rare for her).Everytime i see her, i know dia tak putus-putus berzikir...She's been crying a lot...more than i ever knew her.At times, while we just have a simple conversation, she will cry.Abah can't sleep at night.I know he's worried.Me?Its a lie if i say everything is ok. I do have my breakdown at times.But I try my best not to breakdown in front of mama. I know everything happen for a reason. Pasti ada hikmah di sebalik ujian Allah ini.

1 comment:

Mamapinkie said...

Assalamualaikum Fishie,

Never give up and always pray for the best yea! Its a hard time for you and especially your mom but always remember that Allah is just a prayer away and semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya yea...I know its hard sometimes to be strong for yourself and especially for others but I believe and have faith that you are a strong person insya-Allah...also talk it out with your hubby and family or even friends whenever you feel like sharing yea cause it will help a lot and most of all take good care of yourself too ...my prayers are for your mom yea..wassalam...

P.S Ridhwan gives Auntie Fishie a big hug and says La Takhzan La Takhaf Innallah Maa'na... :o)