Thursday, January 03, 2008

I thank you Allah

Alhamdulilah, we've come to the year of 2008. I ll be 29 this year, pojee will be 36 and eam will be 3. Weehoo! How fast time flies...2007 was the most challenging year for me and my family. My mom been diagnosed with cancer, my dad had minor stroke a week before he went for Haj and my cousin Armin pass away. Despite of all that, I have so many reason to thank Allah for all the lesson that I ve learnt. The most important thing that I learn is 'qada dan qadar'. I finally discover what is the true meaning of that after few major incidents happen to me. I'm blessed with all the love from the people around me.

Syukur tak terhingga, all my hajat came true. Mama and Abah now is performing their Haj, eventhough both are not that fit. 2 months before that Mama did her CT scan and the result shows all her patience, courage and zikir works with her 6 cycle chemo. The reduction of the tumor surprised us all including the doctor. All my bad dreams and thought proves me wrong when I realised how strong is the POWER OF MIND.

After 54 years, Mama finally had a wonderful birthday party. Its been my ultimate dream to make a surprise party for Mama. With all the support from family and friends, Mama had a wonderful nite. A night to remember for me and her. The next morning, I received a sms for her ' GREATEST SURPRISE,I STILL CANT BELIEVE. THANK U THANK U'.

Manggis turns 7 this year. We now have 1 little brother 'Manggis Fotografik' to look after. New spirit, new ideas is what I look forward for this new year. Alhamdullilah, rezeki orang kawen tak putus-putus...I thank Allah for giving me the source of rezeki which I can share with all my staff. Every year when I manage to give bonus to them, I felt so relieve. I dont know why but it just give me the good feeling, the feeling of sharing...

Hope this year bring me more joy and happiness in life and work. More time to be spend with my family, my son and my sili.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may all good things keep coming ur way fishie. Glad to hear ur folks getting better. happy new year.